M I C H A E L    F O U N D A T I O N 



Awarded for the first time in 1963 to encourage epilepsy research in Germany, to date the MICHAEL PRIZE is one of the most highly regarded international awards for the best contribution to clinical and experimental research which promote further developments in epileptology. It is awarded biennially and is specifically addressed to younger researchers who have not yet reached the age of 45 at the time of the deadline for applications.

To ensure adequate consideration of the multiple aspects of epileptology, the prize is, in biennial rotation, awarded in three out of a total of nine categories, each of which is endowed with 15.000 Euros. For 2025, the Michael Prize will be awarded for research in the following 3 categories:

  • neurology, neuropediatrics, neurosurgery
  • public health, social sciences
  • imaging

Applicants may submit up to three scientific papers in English language, papers published or accepted for publication; at least one of the papers, already published or not, must be from the period 2023 – 2024.

The papers (publications or manuscripts) must be submitted to STIFTUNG MICHAEL before December 31, 2024 together with a curriculum vitae and with an indication to which of the three eligible categories the applicant's research is referring to. For papers not yet published, a copy of the acceptance note should be submitted.

For entry form and upload, please consult:

The applications submitted will be rated by an independent jury consisting of

Yushi Inoue, Shizuoka / Japan

Jean Gotman, Montreal / Canada

Eleonora Aronica, Amsterdam / The Netherlands

The final decision will be taken by the Board of Trustees of the Michael Foundation.


The MICHAEL PRIZE 2025 is graciously sponsored by UCB Biopharma SRL who have been sponsoring the Michael Prizes since 2006


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